A blog about owning businesses, raising children, and easy stylish looks to transition from client meeting to after school.

Life is hard and busy enough when you own businesses and are raising children, and your fashion and style shouldn’t be sacrificed. There are clothes out there that can make you look stylish - no matter if you have a client meeting, photoshoot, parent meeting, Zoom call, or anything in between.

Clothing should be easy to wear, fashionable, comfortable, and transition to every situation you are in each and every day.

My life mottos: never drink cheap alcohol, never get bad tattoos, never eat bad food, always take the risk, & clothes are best black.


I craft my looks by answering these two questions: first - is this piece interesting? Second - is it easy to wear?

If the answer is YES to both of these, it’s a win for me.

Third question I ask is - does this come in black (or white)? 😂